Improve Productivity at Work with Our Helpful Tips

Procrastination is a big part of a company’s down fall when it comes to productivity and motivation. Having instant access to technology we can procrastinate far easier than ever before. It is very easy to start scrolling through Instagram on your phone and look up and realise you have been on the app for an hour. This is what businesses need to crack down on.

It is in a company’s best interest to improve productivity. The notion of procrastinating comes to us at a young age. Throughout our school life we take every opportunity to procrastinate, I know I did and I know I am not alone. I would even use cleaning my house as form of procrastination, whilst it meant I was working on other things it wasn’t what I needed to be working on. I have found some really helpful tools along the way to prevent procrastination and improve productivity at work.

Improve Productivity for Your Business with These Handy Tools

Alarms – Setting alarms can cause a last-minute panic in your brain and will keep you on task. The reason a lot of us procrastinate is to get that ‘under pressure’ experience when it comes close to a deadline. If you set yourself a deadline well before the actual deadline you will get that same experience and be on task.

Lists – Using to do list to keep you track can really help. A lot of people will use google calendar and sync their alarms to this on their phones. This works to an extent but when you have more complicated lists to write out it is best to use a different app. We like to use Trello, it keeps everything in one place and you can share it with co-workers if you are working on the same project. From a management point of view this is a good way of keeping track of what work has been completed.

Improve Productivity to Reduce Stress at Work

Productive – It is possible to be productive when you are procrastinating, believe it or not. If you choose a task like listening to music or podcasts then you are able to continue with work. It’s like a half procrastination, while you are listening to something you are fulfilling your need to be doing something else.

Whilst procrastination can have its positives to making you feel under pressure and can force you to do the work you need to do. It does have more negatives, it can affect the quality of your work. The quality of your needs to be of a high standard, especially when you are representing your company or your brand.

There is a high level of attention to detail needed. Without this your work can suffer. This can in turn cause you stress and this can have a detrimental effect on your health. This doesn’t only effect you at work, it affects you at school or at home and can affect your relationships. Your health is important so be sure to use our tips and curb your procrastination habits.

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